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Lidl, St Marys Gate

Writer's picture: S & P Rivers TrustS & P Rivers Trust

Planning Application

Dear members and supporters,

Lidl and their agent have submitted a revised plan for the St Marys Gate site.

Lidl has now generously offered to de-culvert 7m of the 67m of the underground Porter Brook in their ownership.

A minimum of 2m of which will be re-covered by a new footbridge.

Therefore it is the view of the trust that the proposed de-culverting is inadequate and tokenistic.

As the applicant does not wish to give up car parking spaces at a highly sustainable, city centre location, we are now asking for the application to be Refused by planning committee councillors.

We fully the support the position of the Environment Agency in that in order for development to take place, the follow design change should have been added:

"Given that there is an existing culverted section of the Porter Brook within the proposed development site – and in line with the objectives of the WFD waterbody, Sheffield City Council planning policy and national planning policy – we recommend that the proposed development includes the removal (or daylighting) of the culverted section of the water body within the site"

The Environment Agency goes on in their objection to present the policy reasons why Environmental Improvements and deculverting should take place at this site.

If you wish to help us secure the future of the Porter Brook here,

please submit one last objection stating:

  • I support the objections of the Sheaf & Porter Rivers Trust and the Environment Agency to the final plans submitted by Lidl.

  • Deculverting 7m of the 67m, currently underground Porter Brook does not represent a benefit to the river and it's ecosystem.

  • The application should be refused for failing to deliver environmental improvements and de-culverting, in line with the Water Framework Directive, SCC policy and National Planning Policy.

Deadline: Friday 16th June 2023

You can do this via the Planning Portal

If you are struggling to use the Online Planning system,

you can email case officer quoting 22/01163/FUL

Or send a letter to

FAO Jacob George

Senior Planning Officer,

Development Management,

Howden House,

1 Union Street,


S1 2SH.

And then quoting reference number 22/01163/FUL

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