We urgently require further objections to the proposed Dunkin Donuts on Queens Road which seeks to turn its back on the river Sheaf and clutter the bank with binstores and signage. We would like this to go to the planning committee, so that appropriate design changes can be made. We will be reasserting our objection to the latest plans. The plans do not take consideration of the over 30 similar objections. We strongly recommend this application be referred to the planning committee for appropriate conditions to be added or rejected if the primary concerns are not addressed, in line with City Council policy. Our objection remains that - the applicant should revise the layout (building turned 180 degrees) to face the riverside, not hide it away. The public seating area (benches or picnic tables like KFC) would be best placed along the riverside, not Queens Road.
- for the retaining wall to be repaired and cleared of invasive species which pose a flood risk
- a new River Sheaf Walk sign for wayfinding
- Any environmental improvements to the river within their ownership to demonstrate biodiversity net gain (BNG). It should be noted, the Environment Agency position on this is that the 10% minimum BNG improvement should be applied to both the land and river. - We would also welcome a "River Sheaf Walk" arch to clarify public access to the development, alongside the aforementioned wayfinding arrow. Similar to those found elsewhere in Sheffield.
- The revised cycle parking is now against the bin store in a hidden corner, and likely to attract theft. Rotating the planned building as mentioned would solve this issue by providing line of sight to staff members. Please submit your own comments here: https://planningapps.sheffield.gov.uk/online-applications/applicationDetails.do?activeTab=neighbourComments&keyVal=RR5R7ONYIRK00