Projects on the River Sheaf from Castlegate to Sheffield Station
The latest update for the Castlegate generation project can be found at:

River Sheaf Walk - Don Confluence to Granville Square

Projects on the Porter Brook
Sheffield Station to Hunters Bar.
Projects on the River Sheaf from Granville Square to Exchange Street
Sheffield City Council has yet to find a developer to take on this site adjacent to Matilda Street Pocket Park. While a developer is sought, the opportunity remains for a temporary link across the empty site. We are urging the Council to act upon this opportunity.
Our current plans for the Porter Brook Trail, highlighting other missing links can be found on our website. SPRT focuses from Hunters Bar, downstream to Sheffield Station where it meets the Sheaf.
The Porter Brook Trail is taking shape at "Platform_", next to Decathlon. The iconic Sheffield Riverside Railings mark the boundary of the new pathway which forms another missing link in a route from Sheffield Station to Hunters Bar an beyond. Two metal arches will soon appear, welcoming the public into this area from each bridge.
A planning application remains active, which acknowledges that the building is placed closer to the Porter Brook than intended. We are trying to convince Winvic to replace part of the brick wall on Mary Street with railings and create a 20m link between Sylvester Street and the Porter Brook Trail behind Birdhouse Cafe and Industry tap. This seems a reasonable request given the reduced riverside amenity area. The planning application is here:
Lidl and their agent submitted a revised plan for the St Marys Gate site. Lidl generously offered to de-culvert 7m of the 67m of the underground Porter Brook in their ownership. A minimum of 2m of which will be re-covered by a new footbridge. We will continue to fight for the Porter Brook to be fully revealed here.
We are still encouraging further objections. They are seeking to "address" two major concerns, traffic impact and meeting the requirements of the "Water Framework Directive". If anyone has the skills to review and critique their responses to these items, please contact us.
Summerfield St Location Link (click me)
We have received the great news that the application for a temporary car park on Summerfield Street has been withdrawn! Thank you to all who responded to this application.
We look forward to working with the developer who have notified us of their intention to provide a high quality section of the Porter Brook Trail, connecting the sections between Sheffield General Cemetery and downstream behind the Sheaf Island Pub. This will be part of the next phase of large residential buildings on the remaining part of the site, where the temporary car park was intended to be.
Sharrow Vale Location Link (click me)
We have been made aware that Hatfields Jaguar will be closing. Unless another commercial use is found, it is reasonable to expect housing or similar to be placed on a redeveloped site.
Our surveys indicated this would be an amazing opportunity to create another section of the Porter Brook Trail. This would bypass Frog Walk, which is not very accessible for many people. A bridge would be required and a very small section of car garage land on the opposite bank. This is likely a long term project but the first step would be to secure a safegaurded strip of land against the riverside, as done in many locations in Sheffield.
A mill goit (a channel diverting water from a weir for a mill wheel) is present at the rear of the site, under the car park, so it is highly unlikely the strip between the Porter Brook and other waterway could be built upon. This makes it an excellent space to convert to a public path.
Dunkin Donut Location Link (click me)
We urgently require further objections to the proposed Dunkin Donuts on Queens Road and would like this to go to the planning committee, so that appropriate design changes can be made.
We will be reasserting our objection to the latest plans. The plans do not take consideration of the over 30 similar objections. We strongly recommend this application be referred to the planning committee for appropriate conditions to be added or rejected if the primary concerns are not addressed, in line with City Council policy. Our objection remains that
- the applicant should revise the layout (building turned 180 degrees) to face the riverside, not hide it away. The public seating area (benches or picnic tables like KFC) would be best placed along the riverside, not Queens Road.
- for the retaining wall to be repaired and cleared of invasive species which pose a flood risk
- a new River Sheaf Walk sign for wayfinding
- Any environmental improvements to the river within their ownership to demonstrate Biodiversity net gain (BNG). It should be noted, the Environment Agency position on this is that the 10% minimum BNG improvement should be applied to both the land and river.
- We would also welcome a "River Sheaf Walk" arch to clarify public access to the development, alongside the aforementioned wayfinding arrow.
- The revised cycle parking is now against the bin store in a hidden corner, and likely to attract theft. Rotating the planned building as mentioned would solve this issue by providing line of sight to staff members.
Please submit your own comments here:
Jewson's on Queens Road are planning to demolish all the buildings on their current site, and start again with modern industrial units. As part of this, the red bounded rectangle building which forms a boundary to the closed section of the River Sheaf Walk will be replaced by a new fence.
We have requested the fence is replaced with a see through, black paladin fence, like the Queens Road elevation will be, instead of a high timber fence. This would create a more pleasant environment when we aim to open this section of River Sheaf Walk (pink line in the photo below) in the coming years.
We are not encouraging objections at this time, as we have submitted a neutral comment. For those interested, the plans can be viewed with the following link.
Costa Coffee Location Link (click me)
We have submitted this further objection to the Costa Coffee development on Queens Road. The developer is seeking to evade the high quality riverside walkway, set out in the legal agreement. We have said:
"I refer to the above application on which we and many others commented with a principal aim of securing a continuation of good quality public access to the River Sheaf, consistent with the adjoining completed sections.
It appears that in their recent submission of deatils the applicants are attempting to row back on specifications submitted and approved in their planning permission.
Their legal agreement with the Council includes the following specifications:
- Sheffield Riverside Style Railings, to match the existing but closed section.
- Tegula Concrete Sett Paving for the walkway surface
- A temporary lightweight fence across the gap where the new path means the closed River Sheaf Walk to allow connection without significant cost.
What they are now proposing is:
- 1100m high black metal railings of a different style
- bound gravel for the walkway
- New 2.4m high close boarded timber fence which will also extend fully to the riverside, making re-connecting to the existing walkway more difficult.
We therefore object to these changes which undermine the intentions and quality of the approved plans.
A further concern is that along the bound gravel path are shown "large standard trees". In our previous comments we raised concerns about planting trees within the riverside walk and adjoining a retaining wall where they would soon start to create an obstruction and possibly affect the structural integrity of the wall and surface. It seems like as these trees grow out, they will swiftly make the path unusable, both in terms of width and evenness of the surface. Trees should be planted in the parking bays, not the riverside walk.
Finally the site already has a Sheaf Trail waymarking wheel, provided by public subscription. This is currently located next to the bridge but should be relocated to where the new riverside path joins the public footpath, and should be cleaned and refurbished."
Add your voice by going to the planning portal:
Or emailing Case Officer Rebecca Stamp at Rebecca.Stamp@sheffield.gov.uk
quoting 21/03835/COND1 and provide your home address.
A feasibility study for the installation of a mural is awaited along Cutlers Walk. This runs between the Sheaf View Pub to the retail park near Halfords. This gloomy section of the River Sheaf Walk will be improved by a mural against the side of the "Sheaf Bank Business Park".
Image: The Hidden River Sheaf alongside Broadfield Park
Mela is a Sanskrit word meaning "gathering" or "to meet" or a "fair" so the Sheaf and Porter Rivers Trust were pleased to be invited by the Jamia Masjid mosque to site our stall at their mela on Broadfield Road Park at the end of August.
Our River Clean-up Trolley got its first outing after the River Stewardship Company worked hard to drag it out of the River Sheaf at the Saxon Road cutting. As you can see we've decorated it with more recycled river tat and added 'Trolley Ollie'
Despite a couple of heavy downpours we were able to sign up some new members and get community feedback on our masterplan for this part of the river corridor and a recent survey with the Wild Trout Trust, who are now investigating potential for re-naturalising the Broadfield Road Sheaf 'canal' (see photo below) to improve passage for fish and increase biodiversity.
The riverside within the park is hidden away by fencing and overgrowth and there is a derelict pilot of land between the park and Leyburn Road. We want the Sheaf here to be celebrated in the same way as in Millhouses Park. This would mean buying the derelict land and integrating it into the park and making improvements at the end of Leyburn Road. We are submitting a funding application to the Community Ownership Fund.
Broadfield Close Location Link (click me)
The Broadfield Business Park developer is seeking to block off the public park and block the half-finished River Sheaf Walk, at least for the duration of their construction period. We are seeking clarity about this - it certainly must not be blocked off in the long term.
Image below shows "security fence" alongside "timber hoardings" which are a more usual form of temporary fencing. This directly links to the former Lavers yard, so it is a critical time not to downgrade the mothballed River Sheaf Walk which sits ready for extension.
We are attempting to work with the developer of the proposed indoor football centre on Little London Road. A very short connection through the rear of the former Lavers yard, around 20m, would create a permissive route, marked as phase 1 extension on the following map. In the long term, we would seek to create a high quality continuous River Sheaf Walk to the upstream and downstream sections.
Our objection:
Link for your objection:
Or emailing Case Officer Rebecca Stamp at Rebecca.Stamp@sheffield.gov.uk
quoting 23/01868/FUL and provide your home address.
The new flats on Little London road continue to rise. You can see the Sheffield Rivers Railings on the downstream end of the site which will continue along the length of the development.
Naturalisation works will take place along the boundary of the river which members local to the 'Lakes' estate will continue to monitor. We also expect a public artwork application to be submitted, which will include directing the public along the new walkway. A further battle looms to open the locked section on the upstream end, which was sealed without the proper permission. This will be sought once the new flats are complete, extending the River Sheaf Walk even further.
Many years ago, Tesco built a well-used and attractive section of Sheaf Walk through their site off Abbeydale Road to Archer Road South. More recently another section was built as part of the Adlington Retirement Home scheme but failed to link it up to Troutbeck Road behind the STEPS rehabilitation centre despite this being a condition of their planning permission. In the process of our negotiations, it transpired the STEPS building landlord was infact, the same landowner as Adlington.
Pressure from the Trust has recently resulted in the developer accepting their planning conditions and they have now produced detailed drawings, which we hope with a little tweaking could be acceptable for construction.
However, the application has been with the Council for several months and nothing seems to be happening to bring it to a conclusion. The yellow link, marked on the map, is a requirement of their existing planning permission and we will keep up pressure to ensure it is provided to an appropriately high standard.
The dormant application can be seen at:
Once the STEPS section is agreed the Trust can hopefully negotiate the final short connection to the existing Tesco section, which has the support of Tesco’s manager. There is two options for this, marked on the map in red.
Image: Adlington River Sheaf Walk can be seen on the left of the photo.
Little London Road & the River Sheaf Walk